I am certain that there are abundant great kids books on modern architecture these days, but there are two shelter books that we read over and over to our daughters. Both were favorites of mine as a child, and our nearly-four year old seems as big a fan as I was. First: A House Is a House for Me by Mary Ann Hoberman, was originally published in 1978, and the fantastic, detailed illustrations by Betty Fraser are ever-so 70's in the most current way. The bouncing poem considers all kinds of objects as shelters:
Cartons are houses for crackers.
Castles are houses for kings.
The more that I think about houses,
The more things are houses for things.
And if you get started in thinking,
I think you will find it is true
That the more that you think about houses for things,
The more things are houses to you.
The next favorite of ours is:
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We get a lot of questions about doorbell transformers! Here we will attempt to answer the most common of them.
What is a doorbell transformer?
A transformer converts line-voltage to low-voltage (16 volts). In the United States, line-voltage 120 for most household wiring (this is what is running to your lights and outlets). In Europe and other parts of the world, line-voltage is 240. Any transformer that converts line-voltage to low-voltage will work as a doorbell transformer.